Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Baby's First Blog

What of this world but joys+sorrow. - Greg Evans

Welcome to Loose Change. This is a personal blog for me to organize my thoughts, archive things of interest and track DIY projects. If you know anything about me, you'll know I am addicted to blogs. One day recently while trolling around the web I ran across my beautiful friend Caitlin's blog, Sous De Charme. She's inspired me to start this 'scrapbook' or personal 'book of reference'. I see so many amazing things each day that I want to remember and now here is my chance to document those findings.


  1. sweet! looks awesome.

    yes, like faloonaville, the jammeypants site has fallen by the wayside, hopefully you inspire me to do some blawwgiinngg...

  2. sweet! looks awesome.

    yes, like faloonaville, the jammeypants site has fallen by the wayside, hopefully you inspire me to do some blawwgiinngg...
