Friday, March 20, 2009

Baby Design

Oh god! What to do with the baby room.
I'm not a huge fan of gender based baby rooms. Pink for girls, blue for boys. It just doesn't make sense to me. I guess I always have been a blue girl my whole life. But! Instead, I'm a huge fan of color that stimulates imagination (especially for toddlers and beyond).
This is Beth Jansen's House. Redesigned and geared for a child, how could you not dream in this room? Here are some other things me likes in a baby room.

  1. DIY Felt Mobiles :: So easy and they look so great.
  2. Fun Animal Prints :: A great piece to frame plus a learning tool.
  3. Wall Decals :: I can't think of an easier (or cheaper) way to redecorate a room.
  4. Either/Or convertible Couch :: Great space saver.
  5. Eames molded rocker :: Every baby needs a rocker and why not this one.
  6. Bassinett :: Lust object of the moment. The legs become table legs when the baby grows.

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