Thursday, April 22, 2010

Well, its spring and it's time to think about planting the garden.
I love plants + I love gardening, but I kill a lot of plants.
And killing plants makes me feel like I can't do this.
My house is full of plants but for every plant in my house, there is a plant or two somewhere that I have killed. {debbie downer}
In preparation for this gardening season, I have been spending a lot of time over at You Grow Girl {gosh I love this gal} + they have a great article, What Makes A Good Gardener?
It made me feel a lot better, so full speed ahead.

Are you gardening this season?
If so, what are you planting?

I have already planted some seeds indoors of cilantro, basil, chives, etc.
Outdoors, my landlord + I split cherry tomato plants, mixed greens lettuce {i love fresh lettuce out of the garden. my absolute favorite}, bell peppers, chili peppers, + basil, basil, basil.

So, yeah, um, I planted a small sage plant last year, and it bloomed into a beautiful bush. Well, winter came and I never touched it. I didn't cut it back. I didn't cover it. I did nothing. The leaves were still on the bush, snow covered. They looked a little dead, but still I did nothing.
Well folks, after a few weeks in the sun, the darn plant is in full bloom. All of those leaves were still alive! And the plant is flourishing. What in the...???
That is one hardy plant!!
I know many people who can't handle Chicago winters, but this bad ass sage did!

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