Thursday, March 25, 2010

For I'll keep awaiting on the pavement, for the ice cream van to come

So, I'm listening to NPR and they are doing a story on how Lady G is the new creative director for Polaroid.

Here is my issue:
1) This is old news, and,
2) NPR's point is that Polaroid is trying to be "cool" again.
Um, yeah, let's see, Polaroid is cool. Get with the program.
blogged about this before}

I love NPR, I do, but why are they so behind in things?

I have a smart + intelligent friend that doesn't really keep his ear to the pavement and knows nothing about popular culture. He does however, listen to NPR and read the NYT's religiously. I always tell him he is behind the times.

In a world of real time information at our fingertips, how can you stay relevant/informed/up to speed if the only methods of gathering news/knowledge is through a medium that is dated?

Think about how long it takes for a subject to filter its way down the chain to your radio or newspaper. How many decision makers, gatekeepers, and editors did this information get passed through?
Too many in my opinion.
The World Wide Web is a magical thing.

Check this cool site my friend {different than the above, obviously} sent me the other day. NYCPP

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