Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Because everyone needs more bitch on their blog


I'd like to thank the CW, the writers of GG, and of course, everyone's favorite Polly Pocket, Ryan Seacrest, for stepping it up. Gossip Girl is back on track and better than ever.
Fuck Yeah Leighton + Taylor!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

For I'll keep awaiting on the pavement, for the ice cream van to come

So, I'm listening to NPR and they are doing a story on how Lady G is the new creative director for Polaroid.

Here is my issue:
1) This is old news, and,
2) NPR's point is that Polaroid is trying to be "cool" again.
Um, yeah, let's see, Polaroid is cool. Get with the program.
blogged about this before}

I love NPR, I do, but why are they so behind in things?

I have a smart + intelligent friend that doesn't really keep his ear to the pavement and knows nothing about popular culture. He does however, listen to NPR and read the NYT's religiously. I always tell him he is behind the times.

In a world of real time information at our fingertips, how can you stay relevant/informed/up to speed if the only methods of gathering news/knowledge is through a medium that is dated?

Think about how long it takes for a subject to filter its way down the chain to your radio or newspaper. How many decision makers, gatekeepers, and editors did this information get passed through?
Too many in my opinion.
The World Wide Web is a magical thing.

Check this cool site my friend {different than the above, obviously} sent me the other day. NYCPP

Meet Butch...He'll _____ your life...

Ladies and Gentlemen-
Meet Butch Infantino.

I was lucky enough to travel with Butch this weekend in NYC,
and what an amazing time it was.
Yes, Butch is a duck. Yes, Butch is rubber.
Yet he is so much more.
Butch is owned by a group of girls, all of whom I have never met, besides @lifeofswood.
Butch travels the world + has been more places that you and I combined.
Think of Butch as "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants."

I am currently petitioning to 'The Board' to allow Butch to travel with me to Thailand in May.
Fingers crossed they accept my offer!

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Duck
Butch enjoying The Highline
Butch explaining, to Netsky + Swood, how you get from Brooklyn to Central Park

Butch enjoying a stroll + nap in Central Park on a beautiful 75 degree day.

An avid fan of Gossip Girl, Butch request pictures on the steps of the Met.
Obviously ranking higher than Netsky + Swood

Butch is a huge Marina Abramović fan.
Checking out her installation at the

Butch enjoys some Warhol + Rothko

Butch makes friends at Toy Tokyo!! Gosh he loved that place!
Butch steps out in Times Square!

Become friends with Butch Infantino here. He loves meeting new people!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A bitter history for us all....

I made it back from NYC. It was such a great time, indeed!
I'll start posting some photos and info about what I did.
Below is what I spied on the streets.
All photos taken on my iPhone.
{and then i dropped it and shattered the glass. whaa whaa}

Thursday, March 18, 2010

For the love of

I love you long time Alexa! And now I get to buy clothes designed by you??
Hell Yeah!!
Below are a few of her collection pieces for Madewell.

These streets will make you feel brand new, the lights will inspire you, lets hear it

Loose Change has gotta celebrate the 1 year anniversary in style.
How you ask??
In NYC with Make Me Smile, oh but of course!!

See you soon you big shining apple.
{map via clusterflock}
in honor of my {blog} birthday,
i bought a dozen mini cupcakes from Sugar Bliss.
go there. i insist.
I'd also like to thank each and every one of you for reading my nonsense. It means a great deal. It really does. Now go tell your friends to follow. Haha
You know you love me! Xoxo LC

Baby's all grown up!

Happy 1st Birthday, Loose Change!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

weekend fun with an iphone.
chinatown. una mae's freak boutique. meqqa.